2023.8/17 当社のYouTube動画配信致しました。2023 / 8 / 29
日本の文化 おもてなしの心 布おしぼり。
山形県内 多くの皆様にお使い頂いております『素手美人🄬』は衛生意識の高いお取引のお客様はじめ 当社にかかわる皆様のお力添いのおかげ様で今があります。
安全・安心・衛生的な布おしぼりを作る事は当社の責任 使命です。
その思いを心ひとつに 一本一本丁寧に作り上げるスタッフの熱い思いとお客様に寄り添いながらお届けするスタッフの熱い思いが今を生きています。
本社 : 山形県山形市漆山2476
南陽倉庫 : 山形県南陽市宮内4651-5
庄内倉庫 : 山形県鶴岡市千石町11-46
■HP → httP://www.oshibori-yamagata.com
If there is one thing that represents all the basic Japanese traits of cleanliness, hospitality, and obsession to details, I think “oshibori” would be one on the list.
“Oshibori”, a piece of wet towel handed over before meals, is used to wipe hands before eating, commonly distributed in restaurants, bars, or even at homes. The culture of oshibori has long been associated with the Japanese trait of hospitality.
When I first received the invitation to create the promotion video for Teoshi, the biggest “oshibori” manufacturing company in Yamagata, you can imagine my joy. It was truly an honor, to be entrusted with a project that would introduce the intricate process of creating “oshibori” to the world.
Entering the factory for the first time, I was overwhelmed. Machines of various sizes, loud noises flooding the whole room. The staff’s hands, quickly yet carefully sorting each towel. Their eyes — intricately checking piece — missing no single thread. The speed to which they are able to do both simultaneously was truly a wonder.
All the noise, the thorough checking, the hearts that go just so we could have that warm piece of wet towel making us feel at home. I was moved.
Before we knew it, the production phase for the video was over. The time I spent drinking coffee with Yoko san — talking Japan and its people, the values the company treasures, and putting our heart and all to each piece of work that we do, no matter how big or small — was one moment I will never forget.
Although the video has not fully captured Teoshi‘s best, may it somehow open the doors for people within and outside Japan to develop interest in the art that is “oshibori-making”.
This is the message of “Sudebijin”, from Yamagata to the world.
Yui Mendoza | ユイメンドーザ
■HP → https://third-space.co.jp/